
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Freelance Marketing Solution (www.freelancemarketingsolution.com)

Effective Date: November 20, 2023


  • Brief introduction about Freelance Marketing Solution and its commitment to privacy.

Contact Information

Information Collection and Use

  • Types of data collected (e.g., personal details, contact information, payment information, website usage data).
  • How the data is collected (e.g., forms, cookies, analytics tools).
  • Purpose of data collection (e.g., service provision, billing, customer service, marketing).
  • Legal basis for processing data (e.g., consent, contract necessity, legitimate interests).

Data Sharing and Disclosure

  • Circumstances under which data may be shared (e.g., with service providers, legal requirements).
  • Measures to ensure data protection by third-party service providers.

Data Subject Rights

  • Rights of individuals under GDPR (e.g., access, rectification, erasure, restriction, data portability, objection).
  • How to exercise these rights.

Data Retention

  • How long data is stored and criteria for determining retention periods.

Transfers of Data

  • Information about data transfers outside the European Economic Area (EEA), if applicable, and measures in place for data protection.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

  • Use of cookies and similar tracking technologies, and how users can control these.

Security Measures

  • Description of technical and organizational security measures to protect data.

Children’s Privacy

  • Statement regarding the non-intentional collection of children’s data and age restrictions, if applicable.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

  • Statement that the policy may be updated and how users will be informed about changes.

Contact Details for Privacy Concerns

  • How users can contact Freelance Marketing Solution for privacy-related inquiries or concerns.

Supervisory Authority

  • Information about the relevant supervisory authority for GDPR complaints.